Parent/Child Conflict
Parent/Child Conflict?
Are you having negative interactions with your child? Are there issues with you and your child that you cannot seem to figure out? Does your day to day feel like an uphill battle with your child? Have you exhausted efforts at trying to figure out the source of the parent/child conflict? Are you feeling powerless at parenting your child?
Engaging with a seemingly defiant child can be stressful and very irritating. Parent child conflict can bring on anxiety symptoms, as you may feel you are perpetually putting out fires and walking on eggshells.
Experiencing ongoing conflict with one or more of your children is something several parents face at some point during the parenting phase. Seeking help and guidance is a viable solution and can help break the patterns and reactions to the behavior that causes the conflict to continue. Parent Child Conflict is completely normal and there is a solution!
Therapy Can Help!
The silver-lining in therapy with parent child conflict is that it is proven to be effective at resolving conflict between the parent/child relationship. Therapy can help seek the root cause of the conflict and seek an opportunity to establish a new and healthier way to communicate and interact. Therapy will provide a safe place for both the parent and the child to express their feelings and learn more suitable ways to express and react to their feelings.
There is hope at creating a healthy and positive sustainable relationship with your child. I am passionate about the parent/child relationship and will offer your family a strengths-based therapy model that focuses on modifying negative behaviors and help your family create solutions. My therapy model is an evidence-based behavior therapy that can help strengthen your relationship with your child through love, positive exchanges, trust, empathy, and building an unbreakable resilient bond with one another.